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Easy steps to start off Wikipedia page creation

mason jacob666 26-Mar-2019

Writing for Wikipedia can be a bit of an experience for you if you are doing it for the first time. There are certain things to keep in mind while composing an article. For a beginner, things are little challenging and exciting as well as you will be editing on the world’s most huge online encyclopedia. Few things are important before you think to compose your words or start writing an article on Wikipedia. These steps can be easy if they are taken into condensation at an early stage.

First thing first that you need to know is that Wikipedia’s mission is to promote and share the accepted knowledge to perk people who are eager and open for learning. Wikipedia doesn’t support advertising or it cannot be used to advocate anyone. Wikipedia Experts always take Wikipedia’s mission statement in mind while creating a page and one should too.

An important question before making the Wikipedia page is that it finds High-quality accepted knowledge and publishes sources. Wikipedia’s high-quality is something like the New York Times. It is also worth keeping in mind that Wikipedia doesn’t encourage personal views and opinions. Anything which is based on opinion will be withheld for the publishing process or it will be eliminated.

After the acknowledgment of these points, let’s come to the main procedure of creating a page on Wikipedia.

1. Registering an account: As soon as you will open Wikipedia page, all you have to do is to choose a username and password. Making an account will give you access to various things on Wikipedia. You can create a page of literally anything is it is based on science and technology or even belongs to an educational institution like Wikipedia page for school.

2. Choose an easy thing first: If you think that you would need the practice to master the skill of creating the page then it is recommended that you should start with the editing of articles that already exist on Wikipedia. After experiencing the editing part, you will learn to get hold of Wikipedia page creation expertise.

3. Check for your article existence: One should always search on Wikipedia about the topic if it already exists or not. Perhaps something which you are planning to make exists on Wikipedia with a different title.

4. Gathering references: Assemble all the sources of information. For this, the subject must be notable and that notability must be verifiable through reliable sources.

5. Creating the draft: The article wizard on Wikipedia will help you in creating an article in draft space. Useful templates will be put with the inclusion of a button to click for submitting the prepared draft.

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